Monthly Archives: August 2016

Poem: The Bluebells

Bluebell Wood

I wrote this in around 2004-2005. Walking around parkland, I rounded a corner near the Thames, and all-of-a-sudden I saw this field of bluebells. A transcendent feeling overtook me wholly. I was a firmly committed atheist by that point, had been for years.  None-the-less, the pantheistic language of this poem I felt appropriately captured the way I felt in that sublime moment when I felt like I was gifted this field of bluebells.

The Bluebells

I thank the lord my God I’m blessed
To see nature resplendent dressed,
All clad in richest purple hue,
The grass become a sea of blue;
And look what gently flutters by,
A wing that flashes golden eye,
As I amidst the long grass be,
Whilst golden sun shines down on me.
The heavens harken up above
To birds whose breasts resound with love,
A cool breeze makes the bluebells nod
To witness majesty of God.

© 2016 Bryan A. J. Parry

featured image from

New Zealand Flag Referendum 2 #nzflag @noflagnz


DISCLAIMER: this post is a little late, but it got lost in my drafts!

New Zealand has voted to keep its current flag. The good news is that when they have a vote on this again in around twenty years, my NZL flag designs might stand a chance of getting picked!

I think anti-British opinion or a let’s-forget-the-past mindset are more prevalent in Australia than in New Zealand. Therefore, Australian might well change their flag first — and so NZL and Australia’s flag will no longer be similar, as this was one reason people gave for changing the NZL flag.[1]

© 2016 Bryan A. J. Parry


featured image


Random Images 22: fag #RandomImages #Random


Random Images 21: love is… #RandomImages #Random #Euthanasia


Fatty Parry 12: Reboot 2 @ww_uk @weightwatchers

imageLast time I rebooted my efforts to get fit. On the 5th of July I had a weigh-in for a medical. I was officially 16st 7lb (231lb). For the record, I’m 31 years old and 6’2″ tall. Around the chest at the nipple), I am around 45″, and around the belly at the navel I am around 44″.

I then had my wisdom teeth out. A liquid, yoghurt, and ice cream diet for several weeks has meant I am now 15st 12lbs (222lb). So that’s a whole stone (14lb) lost since 2nd June(!) So the magic way to lose weight? Have your teeth out!

I also joined the gym a few days ago; the first time I’ve had a gym membership since 21st December 2015. I hope to be back in the gym the following week.

I’ll keep you updated!

© 2016 Bryan A. J. Parry